Tower Defence - TGA Teaching Material

Advanced scripting - Course material

I set up a Tower Defence game for the Advanced Scripting course for the Level Design students at the Game Assembly.
The Tower Defence is a piece that focus on blueprinted solutions - using a bit more advanced solution than basic scripting.

Since the project was part of the coursework at The Game assembly I had to document and be ready to explain all parts of the scripting thoroughly.
Below are some examples:

Project details

  • 2nd Year Scriping material for The Game Assembly Level Designers

  • Focus on Blueprint Scripting UE4

  • Created using assets from Epicstore

  • A Workshop based teaching to make a 2 lvl complete Tower Defence

Tower placement

Using datatables and structs the coding can be reused regardless of the tower type.
Placement linetrace to a valid placement collision providing instant feedback where a tower can be placed.


Tower fuctionality

Once placed the towers start to function. Each tower uses the same class, with the varibles set uopn creation.
Using datatables different behaviours is created from the same master Blueprint.
